The American Dream

Podcast: Embed
(English version below)
Tror amerikanere fortsatt på The American Dream? og hvordan opplever folk å ikke lykkes, ikke være en del av middelklassen? Har USA et velferdssystem som kan hjelpe de som ikke realiserte drømmen?

Erika Gubrium
I denne podcastepisoden har vi snakket med Erika Gubrium som er førsteamanuensis ved institutt for sosialfag. Erika er selv amerikansk og har forsket på fattigdom, skam og velferdssystem. Hun har har blant annet sett på hvordan folk føler skam ved å ikke lykkes.
Khrono: Trump, the «lost» middle class, and the politics of recognition:
The American Dream
Does Americans still belive in the The American Dream? and how does it feel not to succeed?
We have talked with Erika Gubrium about poverty, shame, welfare system and the President election.
Erika Gubrium is Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy at the Oslo and Akershus University College, where she leads the research group, “Society, Welfare and Policy.” Before moving to Norway in 2008, she worked as an organizer in the U.S. labor and feminist movements. Gubrium has since 2011, conducted research in several international studies on the connections between poverty and shame, with a focus on how poverty is experienced. She has co-edited of the book, The Shame of It: Global Perspectives on Anti-Poverty Policies (University of Chicago Press) and has contributed to Poverty and Shame: Global Experiences (Oxford University Press).